WWW address-list-maker README ----------------------------- A utility I´ve made that saves Web adresses into a file. You simply select a filename, enter the title and address(URL) of the web-site, and select if you want to save it in text or in HTML format. (so that you can view the file in a WWW browser and follow the links from there, please note: you have to rename the file to the extension .HTM or .HTML else Netscape (or any other WWW browser) will not understand that it´s a HTML file), The program requiers the files: VBRUN300.DLL THREED.VBX CMDIALOG.VBX If the program can´t access these files, the program will NOT work. This program is Copyright© by Bjorn Sunedahl 1996-2000 and it´s freely distributable if NOT modified, or altered. If you use this program, please tell me what you think! Please send any comments, questions, suggestions, to: sunedahl@algonet.se or Bjorn_Sunedahl@online.idg.se Enjoy!